Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Gift to Remember

Maybe you don't remember that on the age of 2 you manage to navigate a mouse in the computer playing your ABC, numbers and english word games I bought for your first year-and you truly navigate it well without touching my files. Your favorite icon was a dog learning the basics of words and numbers. I also bought animal english flash cards and the first english animal you learned is the cow. It was one of your favorite picture (I know) because you always guess it right. For me, you were the most brilliant child I have ever met. A lifetime gift God gave to me who always reminds me that amidst all the things I have experienced, YOU, are the most valuable of all. 
I may have not influenced you for the rest of your 11 years but I know that God made you for a reason and everytime I reflect on it, somehow God tells me that I was able to use the time and resources I have on the times that we are together. I know, I can see a little of my influences on the cutie little dogs you post on facebook. I know God has a plan to use me in your life before you go off on your own. I do not regret that I left you to your dad's care because I want you to get to know him. God have provided me a way to get out of a n unfavorable relationship. So yes, I may have left your molding years but I know He have purpose for everything that happens to our lives. There are things that I have been craving that your Dad could never give and I finally found what I am looking for. I trusted your Dad in molding a part of your life with my sets of values so you can make good choices. We set aside our qualms to bring you up in a good surrounding influenced with some kind of religious, political, people oriented, music, arts, sense of compassion, poverty, wealth and comfort. Your dad and I may have not been a good match but all we can talk, plan and joke about is YOU. Somehow, our civility emerge and You became the bridge of our gaps. With you, all good things to say to each other also emerge. That is a lifetime gift I will always cherish. I hope that you will remember that our mistakes brought you as a blessing to both of us and will cherish until the end of our lives.

Now that you've become a little lady, our prayer is no longer about what pretty little toys we can give you and hope that you'll always like it. Instead, we pray for your health, the guidance of your knowledge and wisdom to cushion your undertakings and the hope that you've learned something good from us. Our desire is only one thing, that you consult your conscience every time you make a decision and be brave enough to be accountable for your mistakes.



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